I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed.
- Gospel of Life, #99
The following support is available for those who seek emotional and spiritual healing from an abortion experience. Contact information at the end of this page, all inquiries confidential.
Project Rachel
A ministry of healing and reconciliation for women struggling with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. The ministry is comprised of one-on-one sessions with a priest who will welcome and counsel in a prayerful atmosphere of respect and sensitivity.
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats
A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is an opportunity for any man, woman, couple, grandparent or sibling who struggles with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. This weekend retreat provides participants an opportunity to enter the grieving process, identify the effects of the abortion and release deep feelings of anger, shame, and guilt that frequently accompany an abortion experience. This unique retreat process is specifically designed to help individuals experience the gentleness, mercy and compassion of Jesus as they walk the journey from pain to forgiveness. Participants spiritually re-connect with the children who have been aborted and provide them honor and dignity through many special exercises and a memorial service. Those who journey through their grief allow God to transform their experience into one that brings hope, liberation and peace. Learn more. Contact us for Spring/Fall retreat dates and times.
Lumina: A Morning of Prayerful Remembrance & Intercession
Lumina is a prayer service for those touched by abortion. Women, men, families, health care providers and all who have been directly or indirectly affected by abortion are invited to gather to pray to seek healing and forgiveness. All are invited to join us in prayer…anyone who has experienced a loss of a child…we also need prayer supporters…come and pray with those who have been touched by an abortion. (Note: this program is adapted from a program developed by the Sisters of Life/Theresa Bonapartis). Call for dates/locations.
Healing the Wounded Heart
A weekly support group that deals with the emotional and spiritual conflicts associated with an abortion. Call for dates/locations.
Individual Post-Abortion Counseling
This is offered according to need and availability for now. Contact us below for more information.