Many of these special Holy Masses will be live streamed from the Cathedral on the diocesan YouTube channel, See the full list by visiting our 'Holy Week and Easter' webpage!
Join Bishop Henning beginning at 7 p.m. Tues., March 26 in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence - click to watch and learn more with Sister Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P., Director of the diocesan Office for Religious!
“Happy Easter! Christ has risen!” I said to my children on the Wednesday morning after Easter, as I had done each day since Easter Sunday. “Stop saying it every day!” my children bellowed. “I can’t!” I replied, “It’s still Easter.” Being consoled by the fact that the Octave of Easter was almost over and with it my Easter greeting, I was allowed a few more Easter greetings that week.
On March 13, Pope Francis celebrated 10 years on the throne of St. Peter. Commentators of every persuasion will adjudicate the Pope’s tenure, undoubtedly disagreeing about his triumphs and disappointments over a decade of service. But on one point, consensus seems universal.
CRANSTON — “The Lord is truly risen. Alleluia.” It was with these words that Bishop Richard G. Henning began Easter morning Mass for two dozen inmates at the Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institute in Cranston.
The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum — from the evening of Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. This photo showcase is a glimpse of the spirit of this most Holy Week for Catholics in the Diocese of Providence.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Diocese of Providence: A blessed and happy Easter to you! We recall that when the holy Apostles and the devout women went to the tomb on Easter morning, they found that the tomb was empty and they were greeted by angels with the question: “Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.” (Lk 24:5-6) That question, and that statement, have resounded through the ages, and they give the world, and they give us new hope, new strength and the promise of new and eternal life!
An authentic celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, is such a world-changing, life-changing event that it should inspire in us a tidal wave of emotion, and the growth of important virtues. Among the most prominent of those virtues are hope, peace and joy.
Mission by Bishop Richard G. Henning: Mon., March 20 at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish, 1200 Mendon Rd., Woonsocket; Tues., March 21 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis de Sales Parish, 381 School St., North Kingstown; Mon., March 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, 141 State St., Bristol; Tues., April 4 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish(in Spanish), 244 Smith St., Providence.
“Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven, exult, let Angel ministers of God exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our mighty King's triumph!” Click to see photos on our diocesan Twitter account!
We commemorated the Passion and death of Our Savior on Good Friday. At the customary ninth hour (3 p.m.), the faithful gathered at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence led by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin for the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion. Click to see photos on our diocesan Twitter account!
Monsignor Anthony Mancini, Rector of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, celebrated the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, April 14. Click to see photos on our diocesan Twitter account!
Yesterday evening, Monday, April 11, Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence, celebrated the Chrism Mass joined by Most Rev. Robert C. Evans, Auxiliary Bishop, and many diocesan clergy, religious, and faithful at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Providence. Click to see photos on our diocesan Twitter account!
Sunday, April 10, commemorating Our Lord's entry into Jerusalem, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin celebrated Holy Mass for Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord from the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence. Click to see photos on our diocesan Twitter account!