Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin, and Nicodemus, a Pharisee, bury the dead Jesus in a tomb that Joseph had thought would be his own. Both at first fear to follow the Lord publicly, but together, these learned men perform for him an office of love. (Image: Sts. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, disciples of the Lord, Giotto,
Join the Diocese of Providence at our upcoming peaceful, prayerful, and respectful activities for life - - supporting the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death. For details, please contact Lisa Cooley, [email protected], 401-278-2518. (Photo: RI Catholic)
By Cole DeSantis, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - - PROVIDENCE — The annual Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Feast began on a bittersweet note this year, with Archbishop-elect Richard G. Henning’s pastoral visit coming shortly after the announcement of his appointment by Pope Francis as the next archbishop of Boston. (PHOTO: COLE DESANTIS)
The HUMAN LIFE GUILD RECOGNITION AWARD is an award given by the Diocese of Providence on an annual basis to outstanding individuals that are Catholic who have a willingness to accept the invitation to be "People of Life,” to have an unconditional commitment to human life, to promote and defend human life at every stage, in every condition, through thought, word, deed and prayer. Click for nomination form. Deadline Sept. 13. (Photo: RI Catholic)
By Jennifer Barton, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - - CRANSTON — What does it mean for a person in jail to know that someone outside their four walls is praying for them? One inmate, Jose, said, “My parents are praying for me, and I pray for them. But to have someone who doesn’t know me pray for me? Wow. Praise God. Just Prayers has helped me realize that we aren’t forgotten in here.” (FILE PHOTO: RHODE ISLAND CATHOLIC)
Be anchored in the Truth! Get the essential Catholic theological framework that provides you with the underpinnings of our faith so you can be a better catechist, Catholic school teacher, parish volunteer, parent—or simply as a disciple. The course will give you the toolbox you need to understand your faith more fully and will provide you with a vocabulary to explain, perhaps defend, what it is that you believe. Each session will be taught by experienced professors and practitioners. Come learn and grow in your journey of discipleship and discover the beauty of the Church’s intellectual tradition. Click for class dates, topics, registration and more!
By Cole DeSantis, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - - NARRAGANSETT — On the sunny, late July morning people walked up and down the boardwalk along Salty Brine Beach, while others sat on the shore or browsed among the many stores and restaurants that dot the Rhode Island coast. Acoustic music played faintly in the background as various organizations set up stands bringing attention to various causes. (PHOTO: COLE DESANTIS)
In Bishop Henning's Aug. 22 'The State of Hope' column in Rhode Island Catholic, he shares: "Last week, Salve Regina University rented space for a high-end political fundraiser on the campus in Newport. I only learned of the decision on the night before the event while away on retreat. I expressed my concerns to the administration to no avail..."
On the day of her Assumption, Mary our Mother was solemnly crowned by Christ and received by the whole court of Heaven as Queen. (source:
Most Rev. Richard Henning, Archbishop-elect of Boston, cordially invites the legal profession to the Red Mass on Thu., September 26 at 5 p.m. for Holy Mass at St. Dominic Chapel, Providence College. (File image)
Meet St. Bernard, the inspiring Abbott and Doctor of the Church. At 22, he led a group of thirty companions to the serene monastery of Citeaux. In no time, he became an abbot at a nearby monastery, dedicating his life to work, contemplation, and prayer centered around Jesus and Mary. Discover the remarkable journey of St. Bernard... (Image: St. Bernard, Abbott and Doctor of the Church, Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program)
Our diocese and parishes are praying for all of our students, families and teachers as they begin their new school year! (Photo: Diocese of Providence file)
By Jennifer Barton, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - INDIANAPOLIS — “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2
Fruitful stories from the National Eucharistic Congress will continue to surface in the days and years following, as revival sweeps across the nation by the grace of God. (Photo: Jennifer Barton)
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holyday of Obligation. The diocesan Chancery Office Building located at One Cathedral Square, Providence, will be closed today, Aug. 15.
This Polish Conventual Franciscan was a missionary in Japan before returning to a Poland ravaged by war. Imprisoned at Auschwitz in 1941, he offered to take the place of a fellow prisoner condemned to death. John Paul II canonized him as a “martyr of charity.” Click for more...(Image: