Bishop Francis Roque, a native son of the Diocese of Providence, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, and Titular Bishop of Bagai, died September 12, 2019.
Local Knights of Columbus councils share snapshots of various charitable activities and council happenings taking place throughout the Diocese of Providence...
Spencer Wood, a junior at Bishop Hendricken High School and parishioner of Our Lady of Mercy Parish in East Greenwich, recently made a donation to St. Gabriel’s Call...
The Diocese of Providence has compiled statistical data about the state of the Catholic Church in Rhode Island from 2000-2018 in a Pastoral Profile designed to provide the faithful with a roadmap to the current pastoral landscape of the local Church.
In a world where many are often marginalized and discriminated against, the message of Jesus' love must continue to be proclaimed, a Vatican official wrote on behalf of Pope Francis...
A chalice used by St. John Paul II and belonging to late Providence diocesan priest Father Gerald W. Hussey has been donated to the Dominican Friars community at Providence College...
"Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, toward forms of clean energy," Pope Francis said as he marked the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.